** 2024 Changes to Consumer Conversion Services **
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All Professional Production Services Remain Available
Personal and Family Production Services have replaced
Consumer Conversion Services.
The methods we employ to do Media Conversion is still the same.
Our emphasis is still on doing the job right - Quality First!
Ok, so; What the heck is going to be different?
"Stand Alone" Consumer Media Conversions are no longer available.Consumer Conversion of Videotapes, Film, Slides, Pics and all Media
will only be accepted as part of a larger project.
Our response to requests for Personal and Family Productions
will take 10 days or more.
Consumer Projects will be done when we can make time for them.
We will not provide expected turn around times.
So Plan Ahead and Expect at least a Six Month Turn Around Time.
All Orders are subject to a Project Minimum Charge of $1,500.00
Some services are discontinued and more services will be.
All prices are higher than last year!
You will be required to do more preparation work to bring your order in.
We will refuse any order for any reason.
The main reason we might refuse an order is your inability,
or unwillingness, to follow our process.
If you are unable to follow our process and need more hands on assistance
you should find a friend or family member to help you.
The second most likely reason is that you are too pushy.
If you believe "you are the consumer/customer" and "it's your right"
to "demand" what you expect from us,
you are welcome to find another service provider that agrees with you.
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We have discontinued "Stand Alone" Consumer Conversion services!
So if you have a videotape (or a bunch of videotapes) you just want converted
to something more modern, we no longer provide that service 'by itself'.
as part of a Production Project like a Family History or Biography.
We are not answering phones or returning calls for Consumer Conversion Services.
Go to the Contact Page for a Link to Email us.
You must be very specific about your project requirements.Vaguely stated requests will not get a response.. = = =
Many Thanks to all the Wonderful Consumer Customers we served
for over the past 35 years! Your Support was Appreciated!
I get it! You are dissappointed you missed your opportunity.
It's unfortunate you waited this long to do your conversions!
We provided these services 'open to the public' for nearly 40 years and now the demand for services is too low to justify the time and
effort required to do the job properly in every respect.
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The Cost of Doing Business has climbed Too High to both;
Do The Job Right in Every Way!
Provide a Standard Retail Experience.
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We will not compromise the Quality of Our Work,
so we will only do projects that can afford the cost of what we do!
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'Open to the Public' Hours of Operation Are Gone!
Saturday, Sunday & Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday to Thursday - 9 am to 4 pm
Friday is Reserved for Work Only. No Appointments.
Thank You for Trusting Us With Your Memories!
Have you made the switch to Blu-ray?
It's already 2024 and 2nd Generation Blu-ray delivering 4K UHD/HDR is affordable.
Most of the TV sets you can buy are 4K, many are 4K UHD/HDR so your Media Player should be too.
Well designed Blu-ray 4K UHD/HDR Players also play media from SD Cards, USB devices and Internet Streaming.
Create your Family Memories Project on Blu-ray and Digital Files Today!
All Project Production Services Available to Blu-ray, DVD & Digital Files!
Make Memories & Give the Gift of Memories - Because Family & Memories Matter!
Turn Around Time - As Long as it Takes
As always, we will contact you as soon as your order is completed.
We will not return calls or emails asking if its ready yet!

Bring us Your Family History Project.
We'll combine the Memories into a presentation to share with everyone.
The Story, the Written Word, is the most important aspect of any Family Memories Project!
To support that story, we will convert and combine Photos, Slides, Films or Video into
a presentation that flows and complements the Life Story being told!
We'll work diligently with you to create A Family Memories History on
Blu-ray, DVD or Digital Files for Enjoyable Easy Viewing and Sharing.
The VideoGuy Inc.
Technology Done Right - Because It Matters!
Most of the TV sets you can buy are 4K, many are 4K UHD/HDR so your Media Player should be too.
Well designed Blu-ray 4K UHD/HDR Players also play media from SD Cards, USB devices and Internet Streaming.
Create your Family Memories Project on Blu-ray and Digital Files Today!
We will not return calls or emails asking if its ready yet!
We'll combine the Memories into a presentation to share with everyone.
The Story, the Written Word, is the most important aspect of any Family Memories Project!
To support that story, we will convert and combine Photos, Slides, Films or Video into
a presentation that flows and complements the Life Story being told!
We'll work diligently with you to create A Family Memories History on
Blu-ray, DVD or Digital Files for Enjoyable Easy Viewing and Sharing.
Video to Blu-ray, DVD and Digital File Conversion

When you want to Create a Family History, Professional or Personal Tribute much of the content will be converted Videotapes like VHS, 8mm, MiniDV, even BetaMAX and more.
Your finished production will be delivered on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Files.
Choosing The VideoGuy Inc. is the right decision.
Our Video Conversion process is the right way to convert your Family Memories and our Production Experience of more than 40 years assures your story will be created and told with Care and Compassion!
Videotape | 8mm Film |
Slides & Photos | Audio Tape |
8mm & 16mm Film Conversion

8mm, Super-8mm and 'Super-8mm with Sound' conversions done using the best direct from surface image scan system made better by our more than 40 years experience converting Film.
All work is done right here by highly trained and experienced professionals who care!
We will create your Family History Project starting with Technically Correct
Media Conversion and finished with proper editing and authoring!
8mm Film | Videotape |
Slides & Photos | Audio Tape |
Photo & Slide Conversion

Scanning Images (Photos) to Digital form can include Negatives of almost any size, Slides too.
Often Family Memory Project Productions will include scanned documents
whether they be Newspaper Articles, Diplomas or maybe even Hand Written Letters.
Photographs, whether Glossy. Matt, Color or Black & White. We even do Polaroids. Sometimes those memories come with a Certificate, News Clipping or even a Medal and Yes we can create a Digital Image of almost everything.
Slides & Photos | Audio Tape |
8mm Film | Videotape |
Blu-ray, DVD & CD Duplications

Family Memories, Corporate Video or Entertainment!
Whatever your project we can deliver on Blu-ray or DVD. Not just internet or USB sticks.
We specialize in small run duplication (up to 300 pcs) with Excellent Quality Control!
DVD and Blu-ray Duplications
Life Tributes

A Celebration of Life is a wonderful gift for Birthdays, Holidays, Anniversaries, Graduations and More!
Life Tributes are one of the best ways to Remember a Loved One!
We've been providing this service for over 40 Years, so we know what to do.
Compassion, Discretion and Technical Care go into all of our Life Tributes.
Life Tributes
Video Editing & Production

Start to Finish Production Services for Training, Marketing, Promotion and Entertainment.
Will Video be beneficial to your business?
Misconceptions about Video.
First: 'Everyone needs video'.
Next: just having video increases exposure, sales, SEO!?!?
'Anyone can make a video' might be true in the sense that we can all point and click record.
Believing that's all it takes for an effective video presentation is one of the most popular and incorrect beliefs. And now of course there is that great and wonderful "Artificial" entity that offers to do it for you! Key word - "Artificial".
Call us if you want to build a video that works.
Video Productions that Matter
And We Do Much, Much More...
Professional Blu-ray and DVD Authoring
DVD and Blu-ray Authoring are extensive processes that require multiple stages starting at Program Design with the objective to create an enjoyable and informative Viewer Experience.
DVD Authoring by The VideoGuy Inc.
TV for Internet Production
The world of Content Delivery is changing and many opportunities now exist for Television style programming to be delivered to focused viewing audiences by the internet.
Are your customers artificial? Do they deserve real or artificial messages?
TV Shows for Internet
Websites have become yet another Media Carrier for the content we create. So our evolution into Websites is a natural extension of what we do. Kind of like adding a new kind of truck to the fleet we use for delivery. But this truck is very specialized and requires a good knowledge of Communications to ensure the delivery happens correctly. It's iportant that your message is properly packaged so it doesn't end up scattered all over the web and missing the intended delivery point.
Are you a Real Business looking to deal with Real Customers?
Should you trust your messaging to an entity that boldly declares it is "Artificial"?
If your customers don't matter to you, then yes, go ahead and use fast, cheap and artificial.<br>
If your customers matter to you, invest the time and create messaging that works.
The VideoGuy Inc. - We are Real We are Experienced and We Can Deliver Your Message.
Read more about websites.
Projector & Screen Rental - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Celebration of Life DVDs and Blu-rays have become a must have item for Birthdays, Anniversaries and Funerals. Sometimes you also need a projector and screen. We have them available for Customers who use our production services. This is a value added support option reserved for existing production service customers only.
Read more about our AV Support Services.
Music Not Mischief
This was a Great Program!
Kids learned Music not Mischief!
A program made possible by Police Officers who donated their time to help kids learn to play guitar.
The Finale Concert was held Annually at
The Mod Club is an Awesome and Inspiring Event!
Are you a Community Minded Person or Group with a similar type event?
Maybe a Kids Fishing Day like we used to have in Whitby?
We might be able to help.
Even More
Our staff have extensive experience in many areas of Advanced Media so we can provide services you might not expect.
We prefer that only our trained and experienced professionals handle your Valuable Assets.
All work is done by us, using only full-time, trained and experienced staff.
Over 45 Years Professional Video Experience!